Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin.

The scope of this blog is left wide, so I can write when I want to, and about the things which matter.

A lot of things matter.

After some ten years in local politics it became obvious that change is hard to implement.  Over the years some of you will have heard my views. Some of these will follow, though perhaps in more printable terms.

The Financial Services Industry is undergoing a huge change – and has been for a while.  Those of you in the know will already be aware of the industry’s efforts to reinvent itself.  In the last few years there has been real change in the way we try to educate the public about money and the usefulness of savings.  I do talk about investment management, and the world view from time to time, as an industry insider.

I lapse into photography, almost unwillingly – you might see some samples of what I chose to look at from time to time

Economic theory and how it is being deployed in our country, and worldwide, does cross my mind so those who are hardy and can bear to look at it, might find some inputs here periodically.

I have been looking at art for all my adult life, and travel to see what I like. Hobbema is a favourite subject. Some self indulgence follows, by and by.

Welcome to my blog.

Please write comments as you see fit, and I will see if it is amusing enough to be published. 🙂

Charles A R Gillams